Why is Mertz Gilmore making changes to the application requirements?
Since 2023, we have been reviewing our grant making and other internal systems.
What are the changes to Mertz Gilmore’s application requirements?
The application requirements were updated with the intent to reduce the burden on grant applicants and to streamline the process. The new application includes a questionnaire seeking targeted information, and eliminates sections formerly requiring lengthy writing, reporting requirements, and supporting documents we previously requested.
Do the updated application requirements indicate any programmatic changes at the Foundation?
There are no current changes to the Foundation’s programs. (You can find FAQs about changes to past grantmaking budgets here.)
Do the streamlined requirements apply retroactively?
The new requirements will become effective starting with the spring 2025 grant cycle. They cannot be applied for past grants or grants that are currently active.
Do they apply to grants in all program areas?
Yes, the streamlined requirements apply across all the foundation’s grant making, including our program areas.
How do the updated application requirements apply to fiscally sponsored work?
The updated application requirements apply to all applications, including those organizations and projects that are fiscally sponsored. Organizations and projects that are fiscally sponsored may be invited to apply for a project grant. Applicants will be required to share: mission statement of fiscally sponsored organization or project; brief description of fiscally sponsored organizations or project’s proposed activities to be funded (approx. 100 words); current budget of fiscally sponsored organization or project; most recent audited financial statements of the fiscal sponsor organization; and fiscal sponsorship agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).